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Membership Renewal

Annual Dues

The AABIOM Board of Directors unanimously moved to enact an annual due of $175 to more realistically cover AABIOM expenses. Until now, the AABIOM has attempted to operate entirely on new member application fees and fees charged for processing individual members' 5-year maintenance fees. The old fee structure resulted in a highly inconsistent source of revenue. The new annual due structure will help to stabilize the AABIOM's finances year-over-year. On the other hand, starting in 2022 there will be a reduction in the five-year renewal processing fee, and attendance at our Seminars in Intraoperative Monitoring webinar series will be free of charge to members in good standing. 


The AABIOM board uses fees to pay for administrative support, accounting services, as well as maintain our board examination and public-facing websites.  

We appreciate your understanding as we make these changes.  The annual dues form is available below.  The deadline to submit is January 31, 2024.

BCS-IOM 5 year Maintenance Renewal is contingent upon:

  1. Maintenance of CCC-A

  2. Case log documentation of a minimum of 150 cases performed within the 5 year period

  3. 10 CEUs over the 5 year renewal period in the area of specialty certification and document evidence of intermediate or advanced continuing education (NOTE: 0.1 CEU=1 clock hour)

  4. $350.00 Renewal

Due to the changes that went into effect January 1, 2014- our BCS-IOM inaugural members who became certified September, 2012 will have the CEU maintenance requirements reduced from 100 contact hours to 60 contact hours for this first 5 year cycle renewal. All subsequent 5 year cycle renewals will be subject to the standard Maintenance and Renewal requirements. 





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