My understanding has been that D.ABNM certificate holders were to have some type of grandfathering status for the AABIOM. Can you please advise?
Audiologists with current D.ABNM status acquired prior to April 1, 2013 are exempt from the written exam requirement. Please provide documentation of CCC-A and D.ABNM credentials with the completed application.
View the listing of FAQs below. If you have additional questions that are not answered below, please contact the AABIOM office at AABIOM@neurodynamics.org.
I was wondering if cases performed before obtaining my CCC's could be counted toward the required 225 procedures? I have five years of clinical experience, but only recently obtained my CCC's.
Specialty certification recognizes professional practice experience. Generally, experiences obtained before clinical certification (CCC-A) do not satisfy requirements for specialty certification assuming state licensure and certificate of clinical competence are acquired simultaneously. In those instances in which CCC’s were obtained post-licensure, IOM experiences acquired as a state licensed audiologist will satisfy the requirements for candidacy.
For the neuroanatomy course requirement, does graduate coursework in IONM fulfill this requirement?
Applicants must provide proof of completion of one semester of neuroanatomy coursework. Neuroanatomy coursework that has not been completed through an accredited university will be subject to board approval. The AABIOM will consider requests for review and pre-approval of on-line distance learning alternatives to satisfy the requirement.
I received my AuD degree and have exclusively practiced IONM since I graduated. I have maintained my state Audiology license since I graduated. I also have CNIM and DABNM certifications, but I never received by CCCs. Am I eligible for the ASHA IONM exam?
The ASHA Clinical Specialty Certification Program is open to ASHA certificate holders (CCC-A) who wish to pursue the BCS-IOM designation. http://www.asha.org/Certification/specialty/ Most audiology state license requirements parallel the requirements for ASHA Certificate of Clinical Competence. For information on eligibility, certification and membership rates, and instructions on how to apply for ASHA certification in audiology go to http://www.asha.org/Certification/AudCertification/
Intraoperative neuromonitoring experience must have been completed within three (3) years prior to applying for BCS-IOM --- Does this mean the 225 cases must have been completed within any 3 year window or within the 3 years immediately prior to applying for BCS-IOM?
A minimum of 225 cases are required over the past 36 month period immediately prior to application for eligibility. This requirement serves to demonstrate that the Certified Specialist in IOM is an audiologist engaged in IOM as part of their practice, and spends time in the O.R. with a degree of regularity maintaining proficiency in the specialty area of IOM.
Do I need an attestation from each surgeon that I have done a case with, or will 2 of them suffice?
A complete application must contain a minimum of two surgeon attestations.
As an audiologist I am taking a particular interest in this membership but would like to understand more about the benefits of membership. What do you feel this organization can uniquely offer or achieve for those of us as Audiologists practicing IOM?
The AABIOM is the audiologist’s path to specialty board certification in neurophysiological intraoperative monitoring www.aabiom.com.
The American Audiology Board of Intraoperative Monitoring (AABIOM) is approved as the clinical specialty certification board on intraoperative monitoring by the Council for Clinical specialty Recognition (CCSR) of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA). The American SpeechLanguage-Hearing Association (ASHA) is the national professional, scientific, and credentialing association for more than 173,000 members and affiliates who are audiologists; speech-language pathologists; speech, language, and hearing scientists; audiology and speech-language pathology support personnel; and students. www.asha.org.
Surgeons, patients, credentialing bodies, health care facilities and employers can be assured that the audiologist who has achieved AABIOM board certification in IOM possesses specialized education, training and experience beyond that required for entry into the general profession (e.g., Ph.D., Au.D.) as well as the Certificate of Clinical Competence in Audiology [CCC-A]. Board certified audiologists in IOM possess an advanced understanding in this sub-specialty in audiology. They have met rigorous educational, practice and examination requirements and are required to maintain their board certification by demonstration of ongoing continuing education, ethical professional standing and valid licensure to practice.
Do continuing education hours need to all be IOM related, or can they be a combination of specific Audiology centered and IOM centered workshops/seminars?
There must be a provision for documenting specialized preparation that goes beyond the preparation specified to satisfy the requirements for the CCC that includes 6 CEUs (60 contact hours) in the area of specialty certification in the immediate 3 years prior to applying and documented evidence of intermediate or advanced continuing education.
I finally started to fill out the application when I realized you would need a supervisor and I never had one. I've been monitoring since 2000 and we did not have supervisors at my facility back then for a certain amount of cases. I was supervised for the first month, but one of them has moved and married since then and the other one retired.
A minimum of 2 surgeons AND 1 BCS-IOM (or equivalent) supervisor must sign attestations to accompany the experience documentation. The attestations serve to demonstrate the practitioner has received guidance by physicians and qualified providers of IOM in developing their knowledge-base and experience.
What is is examination like? What is format, time limit, etc.?
The exam is accessed through a pass-code protected website. It is comprised of 200 multiple choice questions in 6 areas:
Human anatomy and physiology
Surgical Applications
The candidate is responsible for scheduling a proctor, and a convenient time and location for access to the on-line testing site. Proctors must be ASHA certified, with AABIOM approval. Proctor restrictions include employer/employee, co-worker, relative/friend, or a person(s) working in the same facility within past 3 years. The candidate will have up to 4 hours to complete the exam. A passing score is 70%. Results will be reported within 2 months after completion. A candidate is allowed 3 attempts after which in the event of a 3 rd failed attempt, the applicant must wait 3 years before re-application.